Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Save Money on Auto Insurance - 3 Valuable Tips

A lot of people complain about how much money they pay for their auto insurance. Its to much to hope for that it would be rare given that a basic policy costs around several hundred dollars per year. It all depends on your driving record, your age, and some other factors. So people can't help but ask themselves, how can you find car insurance quotes and rates that will lower your premium and save you a considerable amount of money? Since not having insurance is against the law in most cities. I can give you some steps you can take to lower your costs while still having to remove your policy.

#1 Increasing your deductible
For a lot of people raising it on their car insurance is a good way to cut the price of the policy. It is likely you can reduce your annual premium by 10% or even more if you increase your deductible from around $200 to $500. If someone were to do this however, you should make sure you have the finances to handle the increased deductible when it comes.

#2 Shop around
This is among the first steps people should take. Shop around for as many quotes as you can religiously. A good time to investigate your alternatives is when your present policy is up for renewal. Even more so if you find that your premium has increased. You might be taken by surprise to learn that auto insurance premiums for other coverage of the same type of car can be very different across the board, by hundreds of dollars from different insurers. Its also possible in states that regulate car insurance rates.

#3 Drive your car less
Driving less than a certain amount of miles per year, such as 7,000-7,500 may quality you for a low mileage discount. If you're with an insurer that offers a discount like this then really try to cut down on your driving. Use public transport as much as you can.

Auto Insurance & Accidents - Determination of Fault Makes All the Difference

Sometimes it happens that you are found at fault when in fact you know the other person caused the accident. In most states this will impact you auto insurance premium in the following year, and it could lead to a big increase in the premium. You should consult a lawyer and get sound advice as taking action to sort out the mess could cost you more in the long run.

Just yesterday I was driving on a busy highway. In the far right lane there were a lot of trucks. I was motoring along in the middle lane as I did not feel like messing with the big boys in the fast lane. However, on at least two occasions a truck from the outside lane leaped sideways into my lane with not even a second's warning in order to pass a slower truck.

On both occasions, the truck drivers appeared to take no account of my presence beside and slightly behind them which meant I had to brake quickly or jump to the left, assuming there was a space. It was all rather scary.

Then, suddenly, the traffic ground to a crawl and there on the side of the road was a small grey car with the whole front ripped off like orange peel, the motor exposed. The airbags had all blown and a dazed driver, rather remarkably, stood beside the car trying to use his mobile phone. A few feet away, the other vehicle, a truck, sat largely undamaged.

I felt very sorry for the driver of the car as he was likely to be found at fault, but he was probably the innocent victim of bullying behavior from the truck driver.

Was there any point in him suing? His lawyer would be the person to advise him on that matter. I did not see the accident happen, but no one else had stopped to assist or act as a witness. Without a witness to the possible bad behavior of the truck driver, there was probably no chance of the car driver being found innocent as he had hit the truck from behind.

This type of incident happens more often that we would like to think. If you find yourself in a similar position and you know you did not cause the accident, seek legal advice. We all want to maintain affordable auto insurance but, without a credible witness, it is a tough battle to fight this type of accusation.

Auto Insurance - Money Saving Tips

If you bought a car and drive it then not having any car insurance is really not an option. In the majority of states you are required by the law to purchase the minimum amount of liability coverage and you should even probably have more than the minimum if you want enough protection.

I have several tips you can use to reduce your auto insurance costs without having to discard your policy.

#1 Keep track of your credit report
Credit history is a very large important factor for most auto insurance companies. Many reports from studies show a relation between somebodies credit history and the risk an insurance company puts on you. So pay your bills on time and keep a good credit history will most likely help you in keeping lower car insurance rates

#2 Try not to use the car for business related purposes

This relates to not driving as often, since driving to your job usually subjects you to more time that an accident can happen within thus increasing your risk to the insurer. You may find it is in your best interest to refrain from using your care for business purposes.

#3 Don't a buy high profile car
Cars are also rated on a risk based scale for auto insurance reasons. High performance and sports cars, and other flashy automobiles are instantly labeled for their higher risk because the owner is more likely to drive irresponsibly and they are bigger targets for people to vandalize them and thieves.

If you're an owner of such a car you will most likely pay higher premiums than if you owned a Honda Civic. Stick with low profile cars, they will get you from point A to point B just as easily as a car priced at $300,000.

6 Tips to Cheap Auto Insurance

When choosing the right auto insurance provider, there are tricks that you can use to coax them into giving you a lower quote. Here are 6 proven ways to slash your auto premium:

Tips #1
Choose to have a higher deductible. This means the amount of money you are willing to shoulder, with the excess bear by the insurance company. Let's say your repair cost is $1,500 and your deductible is $500, your insurance company will pay the $1000 excess after deducting the $500 you are paying from your own pocket. Of course, the logic is that you don't get into an accident in order to reap the most benefit out of this arrangement. You may also want to consider this if you are driving an older car and don't need to have such extensive coverage.

Tips #2
Give priority to your present insurance provider. Your present insurance provider for your home or another vehicle have a more in-depth details about your driving habits, your financial standing and payment records. Presumably you have been a good paymaster with a healthy claim record, your existing insurance company will go further to secure your business. This leave you with more rooms to bargain and nail a lower premium policy.

Tips #3
Omit a family member with 'high risk' track record. If your spouse is always driving on the fast lane and have accumulated plenty of speeding tickets and involved in accidents that may be he or she may or may not be at fault, your insurance company will regard this person as a 'high risk' driver and therefore charge you a hefty premium. Do not include a specific high risk driver family member in the policy if you can, especially if he or she is not likely to be using the vehicle anyway.

Tips #4
If there's one thing you can do when buying your vehicle to reduce auto insurance premium, it is to select a car with a lower repair cost. Read up on auto review about which car has got the cheapest spare parts and labor cost. A cheaper car will generally have cheaper, more commonly available spare parts, so is an older car.

Tips #5
When you sign up for your car insurance will also affect your insurance rate. Generally when the auto industry is having a peak time, auto insurance industry will also want to cash in by offering better rates. This usually happen during major festive season and year end auto clearance sale in December.

Tips #6
Opt to pay annually, rather than paying every month. This way, you can save interest that will be built-into into each monthly payment.

Tips On How To You Can Get Better Auto Insurance Rates

Here are five steps that will enable you to reduce your costs.

1. Compare Car Insurance Quotes
This is one of the easiest things to do, because you can do it at any time of day, just by going online. You will want to find an insurance Web site that will allow you to get several quotes from different companies with just one application. When you do this, go to at least two different Web sites and get several quotes from both.
Before you get that new car insurance policy, however, you may want to do a little research to discover some things about the company - if you are not familiar with that name. You might check with the Better Business Bureau to see if there are many complaints about them not paying for accidents, etc.

2. Read About Car Insurance
In order to really understand what you may be able to do without, in the way of options, you should have a good understanding of what the options cover. Greater savings will come from a greater understanding of what your needs really are. For instance, if you have a brand new car, you may not need the towing option for at least a year or two. You may also be able to do without car rental, too.

3. Increase Your Deductible
This is one thing that can give you a noticeable reduction. By increasing the amount of money that you pay in each accident, you put the insurance company at less of a risk. They like this, and will lower your rates to reflect the amount that you increase your part. Be sure, though, that if you have an accident tomorrow that you can afford to pay the deductible. You will be required to pay it before the auto insurance company will pay their part.

4. Get Less Coverage
Instead of buying the most coverage you can, it is a good idea to get the recommended amount. Also, if your car is more than 10 years old, you should probably drop the comprehensive part of your auto insurance. After 10 years, you may be paying more for your comprehensive than the car is worth. Save this money instead, and apply it to getting another, newer car.

5. Add Security Features To Your Car
If you live in a more urban area, or in an area where there is car theft, you can lower your car insurance rates by adding some security features to your car. These usually result in a discount with each new feature you have. This includes steering wheel locks, auto alarms, and satellite tracking systems.
Besides these things, you may want to talk to your car insurance agent to see if driving classes will also lower your rates. Having multiple cars insured by the same company, and staying away from cars that are the most likely to be stolen, or sporty, will reduce your rates, too.

The New Auto Insurance Conspiracy Theory

When you signed on the dotted line for your new auto, it seemed like you were on top of the world. You went shopping at the right time, and felt like you got a steal on the price. And then, the insurance bill came in the mail and the bottom on your perfect little world dropped out. What happened?
People buying a new auto for the first time may not realize this, but the bank will require them to keep full coverage on their car for the length of the loan. Now, you can get away with only liability coverage when you don't finance a car - but things work a lot differently when the banks get involved, don't they? You might even think that there is some sort of conspiracy going on involving the banks and insurance companies. While it is a good theory, the truth is that banks need to be sure that they will get their money, so they require full coverage insurance on a new auto. After all, who would continue making payments if the car were all smashed up because of an accident?
But why are these rates so high?
A lot of factors are involved in determining insurance rates on a new auto. The age of the driver, his driving record, the number of accidents on his record, and even where he lives - all these are factored into the rate. Because the costs of repairing a new auto are so high, insurance companies have to charge steep rates to recover their losses in the event of a wreck.
Isn't there anything I can do to lower these rates?
Auto insurance on newer vehicles will be steep, but there are things you can do to get lower rates. One of the best ways to save money is to shop around. While all insurance companies use statistics to set their rates, they do not all interpret these statistics the same way. Never, ever insure your new auto with the first company you call!
You can also raise the deductible you will pay in the event that you wreck your new auto, and in return receive lower rates. The higher the deductible, the lower the auto insurance premiums for your new car will be.
Come on, what else can I do? These rates are killing me!
All right, let's start with the obvious: Slow down. Don't drive your new auto like some Nascar speed demon! Tickets and moving infractions will definitely increase the rates for your new auto insurance. You can also try driving less, because insurance companies consider it to be less of a risk when people drive fewer miles with their new auto. Plus, this may increase your resale value down the road, when it is time to buy another new auto.
Insurance rates on a new auto, or an old one, are greatly affected by where you live. If the rates truly bother you, consider moving to some less populated area with a low crime rate. Buy an alarm for you new auto, and be sure to keep it in a garage when you sleep at night.

Is that it?

Well, there's no guarantee that the insurance rates on your new auto will ever be great, but you can also try improving your credit score. Insurance companies see a correlation between credit score and driving habits, so they tend to give better rates to people with better credit. But in the end, insurance for your new auto will be significantly higher than the liability coverage you had when you were driving that "beater" that got you through college. Hey, that's just part of the price you pay for driving a new auto. There are definitely ways to improve those rates, but you'll need to get used to the fact that the good old days of "liability only" coverage are behind you.

Comparing Auto Insurance Quotes and Getting the Best Car Insurance

You've got a new car and you're ready to give it a go on the road. Before you take your new baby out on a spin, first make sure you're properly protected in case of accidents. Let's face it, no matter how careful you are as a driver, other drivers will not be as mindful as you -- thereby, still, placing your car at risk. Your best shield against the painful cost of car repairs is a reliable auto insurance plan.
The Basics of Car Insurance

Before you start collecting auto insurance quotes off various companies, you have to first know how much coverage you truly need. There are certain insurance coverages required with every state, most common of which is parts replacement, which occurs during accidents.

Beyond what is compulsory, however, you might still want to consider taking on additional insurance for those worst case scenarios. Now, we're not trying to be morbid; the fact of the matter is that accidents do happen to the best of us, and, sometimes, at the worst possible ways. Protect yourself and your investment by getting as much as possible for your prized vehicle.

Comparing Auto Insurance Quotes
Getting several car insurance quotes from different agencies is one way to guarantee that you're purchasing the best deal. Some insurance agencies offer as much as 50% discounts if you take a comprehensive package with them -- accidental, natural, wear, and the like. You get to save a lot of money by first shopping for the right package before you actually sign anything.

You don't need to pay a lot to get the best car auto insurance out there. Shopping smart guarantees that not only do you get the best out of your way, but only actually what you need. Some deals overwhelm the buyer by offering all sorts of plans that don't really make sense to his or her situation. Novice car owners often fall into this trap and end up buying a package that contains services they never get to use.

Overall, the trick to comparing auto insurance plans and getting the most practical deal is shopping smart and comparing offers. Don't jump into the first insurance agency you find. Luckily for you, there is lots of information online to help you make the best choice without having to leave home. Happy shopping!

Stop Endangering Your Life, Insure Your Car

Different States has different types of coverage they offer, so you need to know the coverage that is available in your region. There are some issues that can increase the amount you pay for car insurance.

You can avoid this by searching for other good and affordable plan online. The necessary things you are required to submit if you are ready to obtain an affordable cover are your personal profile which includes your age, the brand of car you are driving, how long you have been driving and sometimes your financial status is also asked. You can file a claim but you need to know how to do it successfully.

If you desire to get discounts you must contact specific insurer that you feel will give you the right auto insurance cover you need. Not all insurance company offers discount for multiple policy. You must be careful on the kind of insurer you are dealing with before regrets will come in. To save more money while shopping for the best premium, it is wise you get quotes from different lenders. There are agents available in your area in case you scared of doing business online.

The disadvantage of going through an agent is that it involves money but the internet does not involve money. The quotes that will lead you to different policies available in your area are free. So why waste your time looking for ways to pay extra fee while you can get the best auto coverage in five minutes. You can inquire about claims and how to file one through the internet. Don't wait to be caught before insuring your car.

Car Auto Insurance

Not having auto insurance on your vehicle can be frustrating and can prevent you from being able to drive. It's important that you make an attempt to get your vehicle insured as soon as possible to avoid complications. Of course, one assumption made by many is that everyone pays the same price for insurance, regardless of anything else. The fact is that there are several factors insurance companies consider before making a decision on how much you will pay.
* Age
Younger drivers (typically those younger than 25) will end up paying a bit more on auto insurance than anyone else simply because of level of driving experience. The older you are, the less you are likely to pay, however, every state has different policies, as do insurance companies.
* Type of Vehicle
If your vehicle is considered a sports vehicle, you can expect to pay more. However, if you are driving a car that is considered to be a "family" car equipped with a full list of safety features, you'll pay much less and also qualify for discounts. Be sure to ask your insurance agent about any discounts you qualify for and how you can qualify for more.
* What Your Car is Used For
All vehicles are classified according to a set system. The price of your insurance will vary depending on why you must drive your car. The different vehicle classifications include Personal or Pleasure (which is where the majority of vehicles fall), Commute, Commercial, Business, and Artesian.
* Your Deductible
People are always urged to purchase policies that have a high deductible. The reason for this is because if your deductible is rather high, your monthly premium will be much lower. However, there are always other overall factors to consider.
* Driving Record
Your driving record is probably the biggest determining factor when figuring out how much you will pay for auto insurance. Do you have any previous speeding tickets or accidents? If so, expect your premium to be considerably higher. All insurance companies perform a background check on the driver's history, so there is definitely no way to hide it.

* The Age of Your Vehicle

If your car is rather new, you'll pay a couple more dollars per month, but probably not too much more. If you're trying to get a relatively "cheap" policy, your best bet is to drive a car that is at least five years old, is not a sports car, and that is equipped with every safety feature imaginable.

These are just a few of the determining factors. It's important to contact at least a couple of insurance companies before deciding who to go with so that you can be provided with an overall view on how much you should be paying.

Be prepared to receive some ridiculous quotes. There are companies out there who really do want to "charge you an arm and a leg" for auto insurance. If you take all the right steps, you will find the right type of insurance best suited for you and your particular vehicle.

Find the Most Affordable Car Auto Insurance

With our budgets getting smaller every day it is more important than ever to find affordable auto insurance. It can be easy to find discount car insurance but make sure you get the right amount of coverage to be safe if you end up in an accident. Discount auto insurance is a great thing as long as it covers you and you can afford it within your monthly budget.
Because the cost of car insurance is high some people choose to not carry insurance at all. This is not a good idea because if you get pulled over or worse you get into an accident it can cost you a lot of out of pocket money and in some cases cause you financial ruin.
It is better to have any car insurance rather than not having any but be assured that now with the Internet at your fingertips it can be easier than ever to shop for and get quotes for car auto insurance. It is always advisable to get several quotes so that you can compare rates as well as coverage. Make sure that you do not see a quote and just settle for that amount because it is from a company that has spent a lot of money on advertising and you are familiar with the name.
Remember that when shopping or car and auto insurance it is important to get several quotes and make sure that you have enough coverage so that when you need it you have it

Classic Car Auto Insurance Explained

Whenever you have a classic car and would like to protect that investment, then you had better secure your insurance company that specializes in classic automobile insurance. There are several companies out there that propose particular insurance for classic automobiles. The underwriting of classic car auto insurance is dissimilar from that used on common family automobile insurance.
Traditional auto insurance is planned to protect your regular automobile which you drive each day and oftentimes pose at run a risk on the road. The right kind of protection for classic car is proposed by classic car auto insurance. Whenever you prefer to search the best classic car auto insurance quotes, there some matters to be commended. You had better collect as several quotes and select the perfect balance between price and features right for you.
The right insurance coverage for regular auto is not always the right coverage for your classic auto. Once you prefer to secure your classic automobile, there are several elements are impacting. Some of them are automobile age, value and the cost of substitution parts. Most people drive classic ones to exhibitions. So this will increase the mileage of these vehicles every year. Since of this distance, classic ones need more primary case of coverage and are frequently less expensive to cover than newer traditional vehicles.
The methods you apply your classic automobile can have a great affecting your classic car auto insurance. You will be insured although you drive to and from classic one shows. Weaknesses that car is frequently the parts of classic cars are more difficult to discover and substituted whenever that car is spotted or stolen. Therefore, most insurance companies need you to lock yours in the garage. This is to cut down the danger for insurance companies.
Generally classic auto is appraised in value. This makes hard to appraisal precisely the value of the vehicle. Occasionally the owners make some modifications being made to that car, so it is significant to ascertain that yours is adequately covered.
Classic autos generally are decided by the value of values agreed. This technique regulates the value of each vehicle placed on the sum agreed upon by consumers and insurance companies. In this way there is no decrease in depreciation. Most insurance companies demand that your classic automobile kept in a locked garage. You are too needed to park yours in a safe parking area with supervision.
Prior to you purchase classic car insurance, you must recognize the character of coverage you need, how much money you require for coverage and what type of requirements for a policy possessed. To recognize above matters, you are able to do it in several dissimilar methods. Beginning way, you are able to act some research into the leading classic car auto insurance companies by calling them. Additional way is you are able to seek the car insurance quote comparison websites by internet.
