Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Save Money on Auto Insurance - 3 Valuable Tips

A lot of people complain about how much money they pay for their auto insurance. Its to much to hope for that it would be rare given that a basic policy costs around several hundred dollars per year. It all depends on your driving record, your age, and some other factors. So people can't help but ask themselves, how can you find car insurance quotes and rates that will lower your premium and save you a considerable amount of money? Since not having insurance is against the law in most cities. I can give you some steps you can take to lower your costs while still having to remove your policy.

#1 Increasing your deductible
For a lot of people raising it on their car insurance is a good way to cut the price of the policy. It is likely you can reduce your annual premium by 10% or even more if you increase your deductible from around $200 to $500. If someone were to do this however, you should make sure you have the finances to handle the increased deductible when it comes.

#2 Shop around
This is among the first steps people should take. Shop around for as many quotes as you can religiously. A good time to investigate your alternatives is when your present policy is up for renewal. Even more so if you find that your premium has increased. You might be taken by surprise to learn that auto insurance premiums for other coverage of the same type of car can be very different across the board, by hundreds of dollars from different insurers. Its also possible in states that regulate car insurance rates.

#3 Drive your car less
Driving less than a certain amount of miles per year, such as 7,000-7,500 may quality you for a low mileage discount. If you're with an insurer that offers a discount like this then really try to cut down on your driving. Use public transport as much as you can.

Auto Insurance & Accidents - Determination of Fault Makes All the Difference

Sometimes it happens that you are found at fault when in fact you know the other person caused the accident. In most states this will impact you auto insurance premium in the following year, and it could lead to a big increase in the premium. You should consult a lawyer and get sound advice as taking action to sort out the mess could cost you more in the long run.

Just yesterday I was driving on a busy highway. In the far right lane there were a lot of trucks. I was motoring along in the middle lane as I did not feel like messing with the big boys in the fast lane. However, on at least two occasions a truck from the outside lane leaped sideways into my lane with not even a second's warning in order to pass a slower truck.

On both occasions, the truck drivers appeared to take no account of my presence beside and slightly behind them which meant I had to brake quickly or jump to the left, assuming there was a space. It was all rather scary.

Then, suddenly, the traffic ground to a crawl and there on the side of the road was a small grey car with the whole front ripped off like orange peel, the motor exposed. The airbags had all blown and a dazed driver, rather remarkably, stood beside the car trying to use his mobile phone. A few feet away, the other vehicle, a truck, sat largely undamaged.

I felt very sorry for the driver of the car as he was likely to be found at fault, but he was probably the innocent victim of bullying behavior from the truck driver.

Was there any point in him suing? His lawyer would be the person to advise him on that matter. I did not see the accident happen, but no one else had stopped to assist or act as a witness. Without a witness to the possible bad behavior of the truck driver, there was probably no chance of the car driver being found innocent as he had hit the truck from behind.

This type of incident happens more often that we would like to think. If you find yourself in a similar position and you know you did not cause the accident, seek legal advice. We all want to maintain affordable auto insurance but, without a credible witness, it is a tough battle to fight this type of accusation.
